Tuesday, May 17, 2016

#ChSocM: Online Community Development

The Topic: Online communities start somewhere and they go somewhere too. 

This week's (05/17/16) chat moderated by Meredith Gould / @MeredithGould (using @chsocm)

T1: What are key signs that an online community has developed?
T2: How do those signs differ from those for face-to-face community development?
T3: What needs to be in place for online community to flourish?
T3a: How long is a fair trial for a new #chsocm space? What % of community reach is a success?
T4: What needs to be in place for online community to be *sustainable*?
T5: How will  you know when online community is done or complete?
T6: You're charged with writing a position description for an online community mgr. What does it include?

Read the transcript on Storify

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